Monday, April 16, 2007

Interesting Facts

Arlie is the author of many well noted books, even more articles and essays, yet there is one book that she is not necessarily known for writing. This book is a children’s book, Coleen the Question Girl, which she wrote in 1969. From this information we can only assume that this book is a result of her experience with motherhood in raising her own daughter. Much of what Hochschild writes about is from her personal experiences. For instance she was a mother of two trying to make it as a University teacher, which at the time was very much a male dominated field.
She is also known for coining many catch phrases that are used in today’s sociological field. Some of these phrases are: “emotion work” or “emotional labor”, “second shift” and “time bind” are a few of the phrases that Hochschild is known for inventing and using.

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